Garland Service Company | Premium Precision Parts and CNC Machining in Garland, TX

Make a better life! Come work at GSC and get an education at Dallas College-Richland! If you are interested in becoming a CNC Machinist and obtaining your CNC Machining certificate from Dallas College-Richland, then SUBMIT RESUME!


machining precision parts

How to Choose the Right Partner for Machining Precision Parts

When you are looking for machining precision parts services, you want to make sure you are partnering with the right manufacturer. Since your precision parts will be critical to your application, it… Read More
military precision parts

The Key to Defense: Military Precision Parts

The defense industry relies on various different pieces of equipment, machinery, and naval and air assets in order to keep us all safe. To make sure this equipment and machinery runs properly… Read More
precision auto parts

Precision Auto Parts: Keys to High-Performance Parts for Vehicles

In the automotive industry where safety and functionality are crucial, precision parts that are made to your specifications every time are essential. Precision auto parts require tight tolerances in order to function… Read More
types of cnc machines

The Different Types of CNC Machines and How They Increase Throughput

CNC machining has become the standard manufacturing process due to its repeatable nature, accuracy, and speed of production. These machines can be used to create numerous parts and products for a wide… Read More

The Different Types of Precision Machining

There are many types of precision machining, including CNC milling, lathing, and Swiss machining. See what each process entails and which one may be right for you. Read More

Exploring the Precision Machining Process

The precision machining process entails cutting large and small pieces of material into precise parts that meet tight tolerances and exact specifications based on customer requirements. Precision machining involves CNC machining, including… Read More
as9100 certified company

Partner with an AS9100 Certified Company for Precision Parts

Finding the right partner to work with for your manufacturing needs can be tricky. With so many different certifications and qualifications on the market, it can be hard to know what to… Read More

Sample 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis mauris, scelerisque quis diam ac, viverra convallis enim. Vestibulum vel odio ac odio vehicula scelerisque. Donec laoreet sapien in dictum dapibus. Praesent… Read More


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis mauris, scelerisque quis diam ac, viverra convallis enim. Vestibulum vel odio ac odio vehicula scelerisque. Donec laoreet sapien in dictum dapibus. Praesent… Read More